Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Discovered Marine Engineer transformed into Ship model builder :

  Today we met Mr. Sudheer ( Artist ) in his workshop in T.V.S Nagar , Coimbatore .  He is specialist in making different styles of ship models  , vehicles and pooja mandapam using wood. Sudheer is working in this handicraft field for last two decades . He designs structure and with help of carpenter executes products. He was an Marine engineer by his profession before starting this handicraft venture which makes him in master of making Ship model of different sizes starting from 1.5 ft - 6 ft of length.

About Sudheer life and work :

  Mr. Sudheer was Marine engineer as profession and worked in ship for 15+ years . He came out of marine profession due to personnel reason and started few business in Coimbatore but things didn't go well as expected and satisfaction was missing in his life.
    Once while building his house in Coimbatore he came across of lot of waste wood during construction . So Sudheer thought of making a ship for his remembrance of his sea voyage and made a collaborative ship which had all style inside model such as war ship , pirate ship , cruise and cargo ship. Once completing ship model in 4 months surprisingly he found business feasibility for his artistic thought as well as live life with his marine passion. So he started to make wooden ships in various size and boat which was mainly bought by people in Hotel , Offices and educational institution.

 Sudheer was gaining more experience with wood as years passed. He started to find clients in metros and also he was recognized by Tamilnadu Handicraft Development Corporation Limited . He participate in various handicraft exhibitions around India. In 2008 he stopped his handicraft work due to major health issue and again this year he started his work to get back to his artistic life.Let us support them by buying from him or promote them via social media.

Wood used : He uses various wood such as teak , rosewood , pine based on customer requirement .

Handicraft Products : Ship & Boat Models , Interior miniature  , rickshaw , bicycle and many more engineering based  products.

Please visit our fb page for more details :

Lumbertome Team

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